We Learn by Playing and Play by Acting!We Learn by Playing and Play by Acting!We Learn by Playing and Play by Acting!
BACKSTAGE ranks Performance Club Kids as one of the top 12
Children's Theater Companies in the Country!
We Learn by Playing and Play by Acting!
We Learn by Playing and Play by Acting!We Learn by Playing and Play by Acting!We Learn by Playing and Play by Acting!
BACKSTAGE ranks Performance Club Kids as one of the top 12
Children's Theater Companies in the Country!
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After School Programs
After School Programs
After School Programs
Performance Club Kids is for grades K-8th, providing acting classes in Wilmington at various locations! Programs include: Children's Theater in the Park, Young Professionals, Improvisation, Scene Study, Audition Technique and Musical Theater. Performance Club can even come to your school and create a program that aligns with your curricul
Performance Club Kids is for grades K-8th, providing acting classes in Wilmington at various locations! Programs include: Children's Theater in the Park, Young Professionals, Improvisation, Scene Study, Audition Technique and Musical Theater. Performance Club can even come to your school and create a program that aligns with your curriculum. Encouraging the imagination and building up confidence thru performance! Programs available in the fall, winter and spring. Sign up for our newsletter to get latest updates.
Performance Club’s non-profit PCTC produces a summer stock of youth theater at the Ruth & Bucky Stein Theatre in the historic Thalian Hall! Auditions are open to ages 8-19yrs. Teens can interview for an opportunity to learn the production side by applying to join the creative team! We cast in spring at our yearly open call. Summer Stoc
Performance Club’s non-profit PCTC produces a summer stock of youth theater at the Ruth & Bucky Stein Theatre in the historic Thalian Hall! Auditions are open to ages 8-19yrs. Teens can interview for an opportunity to learn the production side by applying to join the creative team! We cast in spring at our yearly open call. Summer Stock is a yearly tradition that provides performance fun in a semi-professional setting! Young performers will proudly earn a credit for their resumes and gain a valuable theatrical experience!
Performance Club Kids offers summer camps for Rising Kindergartners thru Middle School in improv, creative movement, scene study to musical theater! Summers Camps are always a blast! Combining theatricality while building up self esteem and character! Camp themes are announced in January plus the location is ideal, just blocks from Wrig
Performance Club Kids offers summer camps for Rising Kindergartners thru Middle School in improv, creative movement, scene study to musical theater! Summers Camps are always a blast! Combining theatricality while building up self esteem and character! Camp themes are announced in January plus the location is ideal, just blocks from Wrightsville Beach where families can soak up the sun or walk the loop while their theatrical camper is performing a variety of skits, scenes and songs! A final showcase will be presented on the last day of camp where our campers can shine!
Performance Club can come to your school or organization and host an after school program, fundraiser or direct a production!
Performance Club at Wrightsville Beach Parks & Rec
1 Bob Sawyer Drive, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480, United States
Questions? Contact PCKids Director
Performance Club St Mark Catholic School
Want to bring theater to your school? Performance Club has been producing theatrical productions & providing drama classes since 2015 - currently rehearsing for NEWSIES JR May 1-2! AND preparing for ONCE UPON A ONE MORE TIME this summer!
All Participants worked with JJ Niemann, Broadway Actor from
Back to the Future plus Judy Greenhut of TDW, Lindsey Adydan from DareDevil Improv, Erin Sullivan of Center Stage &
LJ Woodard of Performance Club Kids
ALL 150 Participants performed in CURTAIN CALL!
Under the Music Direction of Denice Hopper
Youth Summer Stock Theater
Thalian Hall's Ruth & Bucky Stein Theatre since 2012